SHIFT THE PARADIGM (From the Medicare/Medical Model to an Enterprise Model)
Systemic Problems:
While America is number ONE in cost per capita and thirty-eighth in quality, statistically, Americans spend more money on their health care than anything else but food. But the consumption of the health-care dollar is predominately not paid for by the consumer. The middlemen, so to speak, make the forces of free enterprise moot. Consumers are bystanders in the relationship between purchase and quality because they do not directly pay for the product. This phenomenon is called Monopsony. The consumer is not the buyer. But the buyer is almost singly dominant. This is the reverse of monopoly, where the seller has the last say. This is not Microsoft at work. It is the federal and state Medicare and Medicaid programs that buy upward of seventy five percent of all health-care service products.
Under the Obama nation, government will be the purchaser of last resort for all Americans. Ingeniously, the insurance industry (Blue Cross and Blue Shield) convinced the federal government in 1966 when Medicare and Medicaid were enacted, that the only fair and equitable manner to fund and pay for health care for the elderly and disabled was to pay reimbursable costs including a markup for overhead and return on equity. Most of the providers, in those days, were not-for-profit hospitals and sole practitioner doctors. This method lasted until 1989, when it was changed, in terms of payment, for hospital care and the emerging continuum of services for the elderly population. DRGs (diagnosis-related groupings) set a price for a diagnostic group without regard to what it costs the hospital. This political maneuver has turned the tables on the providers and forced them to look at cost and economize. The same method is now being embraced for all facets of health care: DRGs for inpatient care, OPUs for outpatient care, RUGs for long-term care, RVUs for physician care, RUGs for nursing-home care, and RIUs for rehabilitative care.
Affordable—Not . . . Protecting the elderly and disabled—Not
Projected Cost =
$465 Billion for State Exchanges
$434 Billion Medicaid Increases
$176 Billion Demonstration Projects and
$1.075 Trillion Annul Cost
Projected Funding =
$414 Billion Medicare Cuts
$349 Billion Provider Taxes
$210 Billion Medicare Withholding Taxes and Surtaxes
$107 Billion Pharmacy, Hospital Taxes
$ 68 Billion Fines and Penalties
$150 Billion Cadillac Insurance Taxes
$ 13 Billion Downsizing Medical Savings Accounts
$ 20 Billion Taxes on Devices
$ 15 Billion Reductions in Tax Deduction for Medical Expenses
$ 3 Billion Taxes on Tanning Salons
$1.218 Trillion Annual Taxes and Reductions in Benefits
Projected, in theory is for the next decade but those types of forecasts are rarely in the ballpark when realty sets in . . . i.e. Medicare in its inception was to be costing in the millions not
billions as is true of Part D medication coverage that will exceed$700 billion per year as the Boomers come on stream. Payment for the beneficiaries to the providers continues using the antiquated and treatment-based pay for diagnosis and per diem basis. Paying for income not outcome, paying on input data not output data.
Financial Problems:
Objectives SHIFT:
SHIFT Procedures:
SHIFT Outcomes:
AMEND ACA: and keep certain caveats regarding preexisting conditions and age neutral premiums and get rid of costly demonstration pork barrel projects for universities and think tanks, and discard costly sections on expanding regulatory and enforcement agencies … i.e., IRS agents and AIG threats.
SHIFT mission statement: To share in the benefits of better health for each individual and taxpayer and “ask not what you can get but what you can give to a healthier, wealthier, wiser America and its greater good”.
SHIFT is budget neutral and administratively simple … it will take the Republicans and Democrats to work together at the Federal and State levels to collaborate on saving the country from the sinking ship of pay as you go Medicare for all mentality. It requires privatizing solution where it has to be solved … at the root of the problem … unhealthy Americans not internalizing their responsibility for righting the ship and the healthy to continue to work on prevention and health preservation for the greater good.
Jerry is a CPA who specializes in Medicare and Medicaid payment policies and procedures. He has owned a CPA firm, a management consulting firm and software development company. He also is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator in three states and owned nursing homes in those states. He, his wife and son sold them in 2015. Jerry and his wife have formed a publishing company and is now publishing his books on health care, political topics that impact health care, poetry and novels.
780 Responses to DEBUNKING MEDICARE FOR ALL (A REAL POLITICAL “FREE FOR ALL”) Fifth in a series of articles regarding Medicare for All